The Fall and Salvation – Pastor David Jang

1. Humanity’s Fall and Satan’s Strategy Pastor David Jang emphasizes the need to focus on Genesis 3 and 4 because it is there that we see precisely how humanity fell into sin and where its roots originated. Genesis 1 and 2 record God’s creation of the entire universe. God created light amid darkness, separated the … Read more

Fulfill the Lord’s Hope – Pastor David Jang

1. Conflict and Reconciliation Within the Church, and the Path to Unity in Christ One of the most crucial themes emerging from the entirety of Romans chapter 15 is: “How should conflicts within the church community be resolved and lead to reconciliation?” The Apostle Paul addresses brothers and sisters who are divided, who clash because … Read more

Cumplid la esperanza del Señor – Pastor David Jang

1. Conflictos y reconciliación en la iglesia, y el camino hacia la unidad en Cristo Uno de los temas más relevantes que resalta en todo el capítulo 15 de Romanos es la cuestión de cómo resolver los conflictos que surgen dentro de la comunidad eclesial y avanzar hacia la reconciliación. El apóstol Pablo exhorta enérgicamente … Read more

L’esprit de l’Église d’Antioche – Pasteur David Jang

1.L’esprit de l’Église d’Antioche L’Église d’Antioche est perçue comme un modèle incontournable dans l’histoire du christianisme. Les Actes des Apôtres et diverses Épîtres nous montrent en effet son identité particulière, distincte de celle de l’Église de Jérusalem. L’une des caractéristiques marquantes de cette communauté est d’avoir été le véritable point de départ de la mission … Read more

The Spirit of the Antioch Church – Pastor David Jang

1.The Spirit of the Antioch Church The Antioch Church is regarded as a pivotal model in Christian history. Through the Book of Acts and the Epistles, we discover the distinct identity of the Antioch Church—setting it apart from the Jerusalem Church—particularly how it served as a genuine launch point for Gentile missions. In a city … Read more